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Which ads can I add? Article rated 3.2/5.0
You can add any ads that do not brake our Terms of Service.As stated in our ToS under point 6:6.1. The website must not contain pornographic, racist, discriminating, vulgar, illegal, or other adult ma...
How many times can I view an ad? Article rated 3.4/5.0
As stated in our ToS point 6.10.: You can view each advertisement only once per 24 hours.
How to click ads? Article rated 3.4/5.0
Log in to your account. Go to View Ads. You will see many ads there. One add is usually text + banner. Click on the text. New window will open. There (at the top) will be time counting down (
Where can I find more ads? Article rated 3.7/5.0
Log in to your account. Go to Earns. There you will see the table of all ways how you can earn on
What are PTR ads? Article rated 3.4/5.0
PTR ads or PTRA means Paid To Read Ads. You can find them here: log in to your account, go to Earns -> Paid To Read ads.They are similar to PTC ads (those are under View Ads).

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