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Refback Memberships


Refback memberships are no longer available!

Instead of that we have introduced our Refback site BestRefback4U - you get the refback there and you can see many more statistics, you can join more sites, you get bonus with memberships, you can do offers there, you can also advertise there, you can suggest a site, rate sites and much more!


7.1. Refback Membership is a special kind of membership, that can be bought only if the member meets the conditions required.

7.1.1. If the member breaks the conditions, we have the right to lower his payout or even to decline his payout request.

7.1.2. By purchasing any of the Refback Memberships the member agrees to the conditions of the membership.

7.1.3. The conditions can be found under the link "Refback Membership" on the main page.

7.1.4. Refback Memberships are: 4x Refback Silver, 8x Refback Golden, 12x Refback Platinum, 16x Refback Ultimate.

7.2. There are also other kinds of memberships (not bound with the Refback Memberships conditions) available to purchase.

7.2.1. Those are: VIP, Silver, Golden, Platinum, Ultimate, Advertiser, Referrer.

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Article details
Article ID: 62
Category: Memberships
Date added: 21-Sep-2012 14:40:22
Views: 195
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (17)

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