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How to make money with


To make cash several means are available to you:
- PTC: Earn money by clicking on ads.
- PTR: Earn money by viewing ads.
- PTRE: Earn money by reading emails.
- PTSU: Earn money by signing up to offers.
- Lottery: Buy a ticket and win cash!
- Monthly purchase contest: Make a purchase and win points!

- Montly referral contest:  Get new people to our site as their referrer and earn points!
- Monthly ticket contest: You get tickets for being active on our site. The more active you are, the more tickets you get. The more tickets you have, the higher chance to win! You can win points.
- Monthly click contest: The more ads you click, the higher chance to win! You can win points.
Note: Points can be converted into cash or spent for ads.
You can earn traffic exchange credits by browsing sites on


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Article details
Article ID: 3
Category: General
Date added: 24-Apr-2012 11:59:56
Views: 117
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (2)

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